6 Easy tips on how to leave no trash on your next flight

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4 Responses

  1. Sarah Marty says:

    Love it. 😉
    I am already doing most of this (it’s reassuring) and I learn that I can switch to solid shampoo and toothpaste.
    Thanks and look forward to more of this.

    • Sitraka Ratsimanohatra says:

      Thank you SaraH! 😉
      And congratulations on having already started your LeaveNotrash journey!

  2. Fazy says:

    I saw a tutorial on how to make solid toothpaste for travel! Just squirt small (single use) blobs of regular toothpaste onto a plate and leave to dry! Then wrap in a handkerchief and you’re ready to go.

    • Sitraka Ratsimanohatra says:

      Hi Fazy,
      Yes, it’s another way to have toothpaste on the go: thanks for sharing. But unfortunately, the toothpaste tube isn’t recyclable. An alternative would be to upcycle your toothpaste tube into a useful craft: there are some cool ideas out there 🙂
